Artist Burns Her Russian Passport and Sells It as an NFT to Raise Funds for Ukraine
Russia-born artist Olive Allen, who lives in the U.S, burned her native country’s passport in front of the Russian consulate in New York. Her art piece — captured in video form — represents a protest against the war in Ukraine and Putin’s brutality against innocent people, and the destruction of Ukraine’s cities and villages.
Allen pledged to donate all proceedings raised from her art to ‘Save the Children’s’ Ukraine fund in order to support people affected by the war.
“I burned my passport not because I do not love my country, but because I do not believe in Putin’s Russia,”
the artist explained after her defiant action.
The artwork was sold as an NFT in an auction held on ‘SuperRare’ for 3.66 ETH, or $9,767 USD at the time of purchase. The buyer was UnicornDAO, which was created by the feminist activist group ‘Pussy Riot.’ The DAO invests in women-identifying and LGBTQ+ creators; ‘Passport Burning’ marked its first purchase.
The artist said that if she ever returns to Russia, she would be facing 15-years of imprisonment.
“I wouldn’t have done anything differently,”
Allen stated, firmly standing by her decision.
A post shared by Olive Allen (@olive_allen)
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