Bitcoin: The Ignition Of A Scientific Revolution
2 min readJan 16, 2022


Bitcoin: The Ignition Of A Scientific Revolution

Like the revelation that the earth revolves around the sun, the discovery of a digital, sound money system in Bitcoin is a scientific revolution.

It is a rare event for humanity to experience a change in worldview. You could say that the last time such an event truly took place was at the end of the Middle Ages — with the development of the telescope and the printing press, people learned that the Earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around. These discoveries led to increasing distrust in the power of the time: the church.

With the crumbling of these old institutions, this dark period came to an end. A time of rebirth and prosperity would follow in the ensuing Golden Age, in which freedom, science and trade reigned supreme.

Today, we stand on the eve of a new revolution in the history of mankind. A scientific revolution in money: Bitcoin. The invention of absolutely scarce money is a paradigm shift and an anomaly within the realm of Keynesian economics. The technology is capable of destroying old power structures and returning power to the sovereign individual. A Digital Renaissance, resulting in the separation of money and state.


The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions

Philosopher of science Thomas S. Kuhn came up with a framework in 1962 to characterize and identify scientific revolutions in his book “The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions.” Kuhn describes how science does not move linearly, but undergoes a revolution every once in a while in order to progress.

We distinguish two phases in the progress of science. The first is called “normal science,” in which new discoveries are made on the basis of the prevailing worldview (model/theory), also called a “paradigm.” In normal science, incremental steps are taken by finding “puzzle pieces” within the current framework of thinking. However, over time, observations are made that are inexplicable within the current paradigm, the so-called “anomalies.” These gradually accumulate, creating a crisis in the paradigm, and the need for a better model increases. This is the phase of revolutionary science.

This second phase is often accompanied by a fierce battle between supporters of the new theory and defenders of the old. The struggle arises because the two sides base themselves in contrasting models in which they try to explain reality. The views are incommensurable.

A winning paradigm is a model that is “better” at explaining the world. This is expressed in a higher predictable power and applicability in the development of new technology. For example, Einstein was able to predict that gravity can bend light thanks to his theory
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Source: #Bitcoinmagazine




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