Krown’s 3,010 NFT Set is Due to Launch in the Coming Weeks
2 min readDec 6, 2021


Krown’s 3,010 NFT Set is Due to Launch in the Coming Weeks
Krown’s 3,010 NFT Set is Due to Launch in the Coming Weeks

Krown is a collection of 3,010 limited-edition NFTs. Users who own Krown NFTs are called “Krowned-Users”, while users without an NFT are “UnKrowned Users”. Krown’s NFTs serve as a club membership card across the Metaverse.

With the advent of NFTs, immutable digital identities have become a reality. Enabling individuals to retain their persona across both physical and digital metaverse realms. Krown provides a chance to become crypto royalty, as new kings/queens in a decentralized world. Everyone deserves to feel like Royalty, which may not be possible in the centralized offline setting.

Those who attain ownership of a Krown NFT will become a member of the exclusive Krown Kingdom, a club for rare art collectors, like-minded cyberpunks, and Metaverse royalty. Krown members (the Krowned) will oversee the Krown Kingdom, and preside over those yet-to-be members (the UnKrowned), allowing them to look-but-not-touch the glorious artwork of the Kingdom.

Krown NFTs are an algorithmically-generated collection of animal aristocrats: Ape, Dog, Cat, Horse, and Lama. There are 180 traits comprising: Background, Aura, Eyes, Mouth, Fur, Clothes, Hats, and Facewear. Each character is composed of a random assortment of traits, which generates 3,010 unique members of royalty in the Metaverse.

Every “Krownder (Krown NFT Founders)” such as Art Director Ernestas have worked diligently to create the Krown collection, “Each character works together to create a unique Krown kingdom. My personal favorite NFT is the Ghost Lama, which is both cute and deadly, marching through the Krowned lands.” Krown NFTs will be dropping soon on ( If you want to be part of this project, make sure you follow @krownio on Twitter and join the Krown Kingdom Discord:



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