Minting Day is Approaching for the Rare NFTs from Outer Space
soAliens are extraterrestrial but have been living on Earth for quite some time, hence their adoption of human culture and lifestyles, and this has resulted in some of the coolest and rarest NFTs out there.
10,000 unique soAliens are slated to be minted on the 24th of November at 12 p.m. UTC, for an estimated price of 0.33 SOL.
There are four team members in total working on soAlien: Roro, Fresh Prince, Mister T, and Bebop. One artist, and three others whose focuses range across tech, community management, marketing, and strategy. Part of the team’s vision is to involve each owner of soAlien NFTs in becoming part of the project’s decision-making process via a democratic system.
Mister T, in a DailyCoin exclusive, spoke in detail about the project and soAliens’ future goals:
“We believe soAliens fit well into the Metaverse; somewhat real, somewhat fiction. In addition, the complexity of conspiracy theories and real information about aliens helps to build a continuing story, technical features and, of course, to engage the community.”
soAlien Is a Chapter-based Project
The team aims to work together with future NFT holders to create new chapters for the storyline. In Chapter 2, only NFT owners will be able to participate in the storyline, and later lend their aid in Chapter 3 as well.
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Source: #Dailycoincom