Nym Releases Nym Sandbox: A Permanent Testnet to Fuel Further Growth

2 min readDec 23, 2021


Nym Releases Nym Sandbox: A Permanent Testnet to Fuel Further Growth

Developers, researchers and other blockchain users can now use Nym Sandbox. It is a permanent testnet that will enable people to try out Nym´s mixnet freely, in a live environment, before working on the mainnet.

Nym Sandbox´s launch, which has just gone live will enable the Nym development team to release the smart contract platform in which the NYM tokenomics run.

Nym is Growing

Nym Technologies, a privacy startup company based in Neuchâtel Switzerland who has recently raised $13 Million from Andreesen Horowitz, launched this Permanent Testnet Sandbox ahead of its highly anticipated mainnet debut.

From now on, onboarding, testing and experimenting before deploying on the mainnet, will be possible and secure. So every new feature in the Nym network can first be tested and implemented in Sandbox testnet, before jumping in the Nym main network.

Nym´s development teams have been working on connecting the upcoming of the Nym mainnet, with various other components for months now. It recently announced that its mixnet explorer has been open-sourced, and they also launched their Nym Desktop Wallet for mix nodes.

In the next three months, three distinct mainnet events will deploy these new stimulating achievements.

The Mainnet is Coming

The reason for launching the Nym Sandbox testnet before these three-step mainnet unveilings, is to allow the Nym development teams to produce a strong upgrade to CosmWasm 1.0, the previously mentioned smart contract platform, that operates their tokenomics.

The Sanbdbox, is the first of Nym´s testnets not to be incentivized. However, active, standby and inactive node sets, reward sharing and pretty much replicating all of the tokenomics of the mainnet, are perfectly possible thanks to the Sandbox NYMT test-tokens.

Developers will be able to run nodes and getaways, send messages and transactions, and build and integrate wallets and other apps through Nym´s Sandbox testnet. Nym´s development team will also migrate the state of the current testnet Milhon, with its nodes, reputation scores and delegations, to Sandbox.

Co-Founder and CTO Dave Hrycyszyn commented,

“The permanent testnet is an important step in the development of the entire Nym architecture. It will contain most major components and smart contracts, but in a secure test environment for us to tweak any issues before we begin the mainnet launch.”

Nym Sandbox brings good news and benefits to the mix node operators, the delegators, and the research community too. Performing large-scale simulations within the security and privacy of mixnets, wallets, blockchains and apps that run on them, are all possible now.



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